No, I am not having a seizure.
This bit of random was brought to you courtesy of songs by Jonathan Coulton including “Ikea” and “I Feel Fantastic”
Ever drive down the road and that song you just LOVE comes on the
radio…so you crank up the volume and sing at the top of your lungs?
Yeah…me too. And when I get really happy about it…there are hand
motions. It’s pretty pathetic. But it keeps me from being cranky and
having road rage most of the time. At least it cuts down my road rage,
we’ll put it that way.
The thing is…nobody in any other car can hear your music. So you
just look like a total lunatic, driving down the road having a complete
spaz out.
For the record, that’s the technical term: Complete Spaz Out.
Anyway…if you don’t know this about me…I’ll freely admit it. I do
this all the time. If I’m having a bad day or a bad drive…I put on
music I love and I crank it up and act like an idiot while I drive. I
even have a whole playlist on my Zune entitled
“Make Me Happy”. On my iPod it was entitled “Make Me Happy, Dammit”…but
I felt like that was too much pressure on my friend Steve Zalman. Long
Anyway, so yeah…I sing and chair dance in my car while I’m
driving. You wanna know the worst ones? Happy, boppy songs that make
my head bounce side to side like an 80’s blonde bouncing her head off
her shoulder pads. When I realize people are looking
at me…I usually crack up laughing…which probably makes me look even more
crazy than I already did.
I’m having a sudden mental image of Juliette Lewis in that video
where she’s in a psychiatric ward and coloring on the walls and crying.
That’s probably what I look like to the people in the other cars
who cannot hear my amazing, happy, boppy music. But you know what?
When it’s 7:20 in the morning and you’re tired and you really don’t want
to go to work because it’s been a long week…it
can really improve the start of your day to listen to something totally
happy and mindless. And there’s just something infinitely funny about
driving along and singing a song about Ikea and how it all started with a
God named Thor. That’s funny stuff!
And there are few bad moods that cannot be improved by Bon Jovi.
“No Apologies”, “Have a Nice Day”, “This is Our House”, “Raise your
Hands”…I mean, there’s 25 songs I could name right off the top of my
head that immediately improve my mood.
Things are not always going to go your way in life. Some days just
suck. Sometimes they suck for no apparent reason…especially if you’re
female. But if you can make yourself take that one little step that
improve your mood and thus, improve your day…well,
do it. Have a Complete Spaz Out. Who cares if you frighten other
drivers and they contemplate calling 911? This is not about them, it’s
about you.
Just make sure you can do all this and still stay in your lane. Oh
yeah…and when people look at you and you catch them…smile and wave.
You just might improve their day too.
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