Tuesday, November 8, 2011

My humor is totally unappreciated.

Probably because I’m not really that funny to anyone but myself.  I find it hilarious when I’m the only one who thinks a joke is funny.  You know…when you are laughing to beat hell and everyone is standing there, smiling awkwardly at you and wondering if you are going to be able to breathe soon?  Yeah…that just makes it funnier to me.  Not that this happens regularly or anything…but it does happen occasionally.  I have been known to get the giggles and laugh about some truly ridiculous things.  I’ve also been known to laugh at things that are highly inappropriate … or just generally not funny to anyone but me.

Here are a couple of my recent zingers that no one seemed to really appreciate but me and maybe one other person.

During a conversation about religion with a co-worker:

L: When in 2012 is the world ending?
K: I thought that was this year…I celebrated that back in May.
L: No, that was the rapture.
K: Oh.
{A short conversation ensues about the rapture and what is supposed to happen.}
K: It all depends on how your denomination interprets the book of revelations.
L: Yeah.  I interpret it as the insane ramblings of a lunatic, but that’s just me.
This was the first part I found really funny.  We continue to talk about things happening during the book of revelations and what different churches believe.
L: I knew a guy who said that Revelations implies that the anti-christ is going to be the Pope.
K: Wow.
L: Yeah…can you imagine?  He’ll drive around in his little bubble car and watch us heathens get our barcodes.  HA!

Okay – yes, it was highly inappropriate and would have been borderline offensive to someone who was very devout and believed in the rapture...or maybe a devout Catholic too.  But I still laughed myself silly.

The same day I had the following conversation with my best friend regarding our impending trip for me, her and another old friend of ours, to a Haunted House Attraction.

N: I told her I might not be able to walk very well out there.  She said that was ok because she might not be able to either.
L: Oh great.  Gimp night at Screams.
N: Man, now we’re the Three OLD Muskateers.
L: Hey!  I’M not gimpy!
N: You will be when I crack you with a bat.
L: How you gonna catch me, gimpy?  I can still run.
(I laughed so hard I almost snorted when I sent this text.)
N: You will answer the door when I come over.
L: Yeah…with a hatchet.

Yeah…still probably only funny to me and her.  I told my husband this story and was laughing so hard!  He gave me that “ok, honey” smile and somehow managed not to pat me on the head.

Last but not least…sitting at my desk, doing my work, mind my own business…and I come across paperwork with a fun last name on it.  So I tell my coworker…

L: This guy’s last name describes how you calculate the cost of a Happy Meal.
K: ?
L: McMath
K:                     […crickets]

Yeah…my humor is just way undervalued.


  1. Ah a humorist in my own skin... wait that sounds creepy. Uh, what I mean is I can totally see your perspective, because the same things happen to me.

    Them: "That wasn't funny!"
    Me: "I thought it was hilarious!"
    Them: "You shouldn't joke about Jesus."
    Me: "You can make Buddhist jokes if you like; though I only know the one about the vacuum cleaner, and the one about the hot dog."
    Them: *crickets*

  2. I was just sitting in my recliner like a loser without a job, contemplating how my family rarely finds me funny, and most often takes offense to my jokes, which either go too far, or are so self deprecated that they might be akward. Reading this, I have to say, I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles when finding the humor where other people have a Laugh Fail. Just to note it, I think you are hilarious darling. Now, back to my worthlessness...

  3. John - see, I knew you and I were kindred spirits...hee.

  4. @Unknown - thanks for the compliment!! I say, find hilarity wherever you can. The ones who can't are the ones missing out!
